Getting people to participate in activities does represent a challenge, but the California Medical Instrumentation Association (CMIA) and the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) have both created contests to make participation in National Biomedical/Clinical Engineering Appreciation Week, which takes place between May 22 and May 28, more enticing.
If you’re a biomed in California, the CMIA wants you to share how your hospital will celebrate the week. Vendors can get more personal by saying what the CMIA and hospital biomed departments mean to them. The association has put $300 in prizes on the line.
AAMI wants departments to get creative too. Its Technology Management Council will look at how departments use creativity to celebrate, and how they engage other departments in the festivities. The winning department will receive recognition and a $100 gift certificate to a local restaurant.
There are deadlines for these contests so check out today’s Weekly Jolt to find links to both contests and let your imagination flow. Free participation does have its rewards.