Category: Department Management

Department Management


HTM Salary Survey 2024

Salaries rose in most HTM roles, with radiology equipment specialists hitting six figures across all regions. But directors saw pay declines, and heavy workloads remain a challenge. Despite this, job satisfaction is strong, and benefits improved. Read the full report for key insights.

Department Management


A Day in the Life: Jackson Health System

Charles Berberette, senior system director of biomedical engineering at Jackson Health System, discusses how his department has streamlined operations, including staffing optimization, contract management, training, equipment management/selection, and parts procurement, to save costs while managing over 45,000 pieces of medical equipment.

Department Management


The Results Are In

In this Up Front article, 24x7 Magazine Chief Editor Keri Forsythe-Stephens goes behind the scenes with the HTM Salary Survey and reveals what HTM professionals told her that some may find surprising.

Recruitment, Retention


S.O.S: Biomeds Needed for Mercy Ships

Looking to make an (even greater) impact on the world? The humanitarian aid organization Mercy Ships needs healthcare technology management professionals to help out on their floating hospitals.



Survey Says: What the Numbers Are Telling Us

In this Up Front column, 24x7 Magazine chief editor Keri Forsythe-Stephens discusses some of the statistics gleaned in 24x7’s 2020 compensation and job satisfaction survey and what they mean for HTM professionals.

Succession Planning


Plan Now for the Next HTM Generation

With today’s graying biomed population retiring at a steady pace and fewer younger people entering the field, HTM managers need to heed this alarm and what it means for the future of the profession. Here’s how succession planning comes in.

Department Profiles


A Day in the Life: Children’s Mercy

Here, Tri Q. Dang, BS, biomedical equipment tech III, team lead for Mo.-based Children’s Mercy Kansas City’s clinical engineering department, discusses what sets his team apart and how “teamwork” is more than just a department creed.