AAMI announces that it is now accepting nominations for its annual “Bright Ideas” program, which recognizes innovative healthcare technology management (HTM) departments that are implementing creative solutions to challenges. AAMI’s Technology Management Council (TMC) is seeking specific examples of HTM initiatives that have enhanced patient safety, reduced costs, and/or improved hospital processes.
The TMC will choose up to six departments to be profiled in AAMI’s publications throughout 2024. Each article focuses on the actions or processes HTM departments have implemented to tackle a specific problem or improve patient care. In addition, one of the profiled departments will be selected to receive an excellence award at the 2025 AAMI Exchange in New Orleans.
To submit a nomination or your own Bright Idea, visit www.aami.org/BrightIdeas. The deadline for applications is Dec. 31, 2024.
What Makes a Bright Idea?
Prior entries featured effective Bright Ideas like remote training, 3D printing solutions, enhanced equipment tracking, and improved HTM student pipelines. Arkansas Children’s Hospital HTM staff’s outstanding project made them the 2022 Bright Ideas winner at AAMI eXchange 2023 in Long Beach, Calif.
Arkansas Children’s Hospital Business Coordinator for HTM, Sheila Johnson, who worked to implement the following Bright Idea since inception, accepted the award on behalf of her team. The team designed a new equipment management program that utilizes part-time workers and multi-departmental training. The result is a veritable windfall of fewer lost devices and a 30% reduction in battery failure.
By working with infection prevention specialists led by Elizabeth Marrero, the HTM team was also able to develop effective and easy to use protocols for cataloging and cleaning portable devices. “People working in siloes is never good, you need to collaborate with different departments, whether it be HTM, nursing or office management,” said Marrero. “If we don’t hear from anyone, that’s when mistakes happen.”