NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital (NYP) has announced that it will maintain workspace at a local startup incubator to help foster the hospital’s collaboration with tech entrepreneurs. The space will be located at Blueprint Health, a New York City–based accelerator and co-working space for health tech startups.
NYP’s Innovation Center, as the workspace will be called, will kick off with a number of technology projects, including applications from the hospital’s recent hackathon. The hospital will offer opportunities for startups affiliated with the accelerator to pilot and scale these projects and work hospital technologists developing clinical and patient engagement technology.
“Innovation at NewYork-Presbyterian is centered on rapid, scalable, sustainable, mobile, and measurable ideas,” said Dr Peter Fleischut, associate chief innovation officer at NYP. “Working closely with Blueprint and its members will allow us to quickly find and build solutions that meet the needs of our staff and patients and redefine the way we use technology at the hospital.”
More information on the hospital’s technology-development efforts are available on its Innovate NYP website.