Varian Medical Systems announced that it has been awarded an 8-year tender to supply advanced radiotherapy equipment and software to a network of hospitals in the Galicia region of northwest Spain. This is the largest single order that has been booked by Varian, and is worth an estimated $23M. Under the terms of the agreement, Varian will supply 10 linear accelerators, including three advanced TrueBeam systems, to five hospitals in the Sergas network of hospitals in the Galicia area. Varian will also be installing its suite of treatment planning software and oncology information management systems across the network.
The company reports that with this investment project, the five public hospitals – Centro Oncologico de Galicia, Hospital Lucus Augusti de Lugo, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo and Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense – will also be connected within Varian’s Aria network, enabling greater integration and knowledge-sharing between the five facilities. This will be the first time the five centers have been connected in this way.
“This long-term project is intended to increase patient access to advanced radiation therapy and increase efficiency and throughput at the five hospitals,” said Rocio Mosquera, MD, the Galician minister of health. “By implementing such advanced treatment equipment and integrated software, it will also enable the networked hospitals to become more involved in international research and innovation programs.”
Varian will be supplying a total of three TrueBeam systems, six Clinac iX machines, and one Unique system to the five hospitals. Two of the hospitals currently use Varian equipment, while two more are equipped with systems from other suppliers. The company reports that the fifth center is being upgraded to deliver radiotherapy for the first time.
In addition to being  a manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiation, Varian Medical Systems Inc, of Palo Alto, California, supplies x-ray components and informatics software for managing comprehensive cancer clinics, radiotherapy centers, and medical oncology practices. For more information, see the announcement from Varian Medical.