A number of months back we posted a poll question submitted by one of our readers: On average, how many devices should a biomedical technician be responsible for? We also gave some suggestions to tick off, such as 500, 1,000, etc. In addition to the responses registered, I received a number of e-mails from readers who made some very good points. One person said a tech is responsible for everything in the department. Another said: "This depends on the device. High tech devices should be less items to maintain then low tech equipment, but as biomeds we do a lot of nonmedical equipment also—this is what I would like to get rid of."
Someone else suggested that it's hard to give an exact number because the biomed may be required to travel, which needs to be factored in to the time available for repairs. We didn't have a forum before for posting the responses, so I'm hoping you'll comment now and share your ideas on this topic.
Thanks for reading 24×7 and our blog, and Happy New Year to all of you!