Improved Ultrasound System

The Logiq E9 with XDclear from GE Healthcare, Waukesha, Wis, is a general imaging ultrasound system. Built from the Logiq E9 platform, XDclear’s new features allow for increased penetration on large patients and improved diagnostic confidence. The XDclear transducer technology in the C1-6 and C2-9 transducers increases penetration 2 cm to 4 cm while simultaneously capturing high-definition resolution throughout the image. On the new Logiq E9 with XDclear, GE added its B-Flow imaging capability. This imaging mode uses non-Doppler technology to display true hemodynamics and enables direct visualization of blood flow without the limitations of Doppler. The Logiq E9 with XDclear includes an expansion of volume-navigation capabilities with new tools and accessories such as automatic CT registration. (800) 886-0815;

Focus Logiq-E9-Chronic-Renal

Wireless Transducer

Siemens Healthcare, Malvern, Pa, has cut the cord. Its Acuson Freestyle ultrasound system features wireless transducers, a first for ultrasound. Cumbersome transducer cables can present an impediment to procedures, as well as an infection control risk in sterile interventional settings, even when they are covered in sterile sheaths. Using Freestyle’s wireless transducers, users can expand ultrasound into new and emerging applications such as administering nerve blocks, enhancing vascular access, and improving target localization through ultrasound guidance during therapeutic interventions and biopsies. The Acuson Freestyle system employs advanced synthetic aperture imaging technology developed for the wireless signal transmission of full-resolution digital image data at very high data rates. This design reduces the transducer’s power requirements, increasing battery life. Wireless real-time ultrasound data transmits to the terminal through ultra-wideband radio technology, which, operating at a frequency of 7.8 GHz, is not susceptible to interference with other electronic equipment. (888) 826-9702;

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Wireless DR X-ray

Toshiba America Medical Systems Inc, Tustin, Calif, has introduced the Radrex-i wireless digital radiographic x-ray system. Radrex-i wireless includes the automated features of RexSpeed and RexView with image preview from the original Radrex-i. Its flexible design allows for use in tabletop imaging of extremities such as hands, wrists, forearms, and feet, as well as wheelchair and gurney patient imaging. A new wireless panel also improves image quality, as users can position it more closely to the anatomy. RexProtect gives the system dose-saving features. (800) 421-1968;


Focus ToshibaXR Radrex Wireless NEW lateral patient


Digital MRI Upgrade

The dStream solution from Philips Healthcare, Andover, Mass, enables current Philips MR users to switch to digital broadband MRI for the majority of analogue Philips MR systems without paying for a completely new system. The technology builds on the existing MR magnet and is a cost-effective way to provide digital broadband MRI. Compared to a system replacement, dStream upgrade technology saves on magnet and reconstruction costs and means fewer disturbances for the facility during installation. SmartPath to dStream features signal digitization directly at the patient, delivering a high signal-to-noise ratio that benefits image quality and speed. The lightweight dStream digital coils are designed with comfort in mind. SmartSelect automatically determines the coil elements to use, shortening scan setup time. (800) 229-6417;

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