Carestream is exhibiting its new Carestream OnSight 3D Extremity system at the American Association of Orthopaedic Executives’ (AAOE’s) annual meeting in San Francisco from June 9 to 12. The system, which uses cone-beam CT (CBCT) technology to capture weight-bearing images of the knees, legs, and feet, is currently pending FDA 510(k) clearance.
CBCT systems use less radiation than current full-body CT systems and can provide physicians with diagnostic information that’s not available from traditional CT equipment. Sports medicine physicians and orthopedists—the AAOE conference’s key constituent base—are intended to use the products.
Helen Titus, Carestream’s worldwide marketing director for ultrasound and CT, says the OnSight 3D Extremity system is unique because it enables orthopedists to capture high-quality 3D extremity images and conduct consultations in a single patient visit. “This capability is extremely attractive to orthopedic specialists because performing 3D imaging exams onsite delivers greater patient convenience while offering the ability to generate additional revenue,” she says.
Plus, Titus says, showing patients a 3D image that illustrates their condition or injury can help them understand the reason for a treatment or surgical procedure—and accept the specialist’s recommendation. She also notes that capturing 3D and weight-bearing images can be a competitive advantage for an orthopedic practice. “When this system is available, orthopedists may decide to market their practice’s ability to deliver greater patient convenience by eliminating the need to go to another facility for a 3D imaging exam,” Titus says.
For more information about these systems, visit Carestream Health.