Paul Kelley, CBET, AAMIF, director of biomedical engineering, the Green Initiative, and asset redeployment at Washington Hospital in Fremont, Calif., has joined 24×7’s esteemed editorial board. Kelley, the 2019 recipient of the “Spirit of AAMI Award,” previously served as chair of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation’s (AAMI’s) Technology Management Council, vice-chair for BMETs on the AAMI Board, as well as on AAMI’s Medical Equipment Standards Committee, prior to retiring from his AAMI leadership volunteer duties in June 2020.

Kelley is also one of two AAMI/American National Standards Institute delegates on the ISO/TC 210/WG 7 “Good Engineering Maintenance Management” committee, which is working to develop an international HTM standard.

To Kelley, joining 24×7’s editorial board is just another way he can use his voice to advance the HTM sector. “I’ve always tried to give back to the HTM field because it has been so good to me for so long,” Kelley says. “I had a number of people who I looked up to, who were on my “board of mentors” even if they didn’t know it.” Some of these individuals are currently on 24×7’s editorial board, Kelley reveals.

“I look forward to continue being a spokesperson for the great people in the field, in this new venue, now that my long tenure on the AAMI Board has ended,” Kelley says. “I consider it an honor to be invited to do this.”