Is it possible to gather in one place all the tools a health care facility would need to operate effectively? The proposed $1 billion World Product Centre (WPC) in New York plans to do just that.
Billed as “the world’s first permanent international health care marketplace and education centre,” the ambitious joint venture—that includes the participation of the Greater New York Hospital Association, Extell Development Company, and Israel Green—is slated to open in the winter of 2013 at 555 W 33rd St.
The glass and steel tower will rise 60 stories and bring together vendors and suppliers who can arm an entire facility. Its 1.5 million square feet will house fully equipped showrooms that feature a technology infrastructure for vendors to demonstrate the compatibility of their products with clinical connectivity and interoperability standards. The structure will include educational facilities for accredited continuing medical education programs, media centers, technology labs, traditional office space, as well as space for health care events.
A rendering of the proposed World Product Centre |
According to WPC (, it will house up to 1,800 participating companies that represent the full range of medical devices, diagnostics, technology, equipment, therapeutics, and health care services.
It has created a medical advisory board that lists prestigious names in the medical industry, but—will it work? Will it create the one-stop-shopping experience that decision makers seek? It plans to offer comparative shopping help and have analysts on hand to provide a convenient, cost-effective environment that will reduce selling time and costs, effectively creating an ongoing trade show experience.
As the plan comes to fruition, creating a way for hospitals to avail themselves of the services remotely could make the idea of a one-stop-shopping marketplace a reality for everyone. With a plan for more than 200 conference rooms, an analyst could prepare a presentation of multiple vendor possibilities that would meet a prospective buyer’s prestated needs and present it to the buyer via video, eliminating the need for travel.
The positive possibilities seem endless, but if a vendor does not have the funds to participate, does it truly offer a comprehensive marketplace? Will it eliminate smaller companies from the race, or will it increase their popularity if the WPC seems overwhelming?
What do you think? Will this offer a benefit to health care or will it be a detriment? Be sure to access our blog and voice your opinion. It’s a few years away and you never know, your ideas could make a difference.
Julie Kirst