The American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE) has announced an upcoming 10 week CCE study course. Beginning Wednesday August 14 at noon Eastern time and continuing every Wednesday thereafter at the same time for the following 9 weeks, the course will be conducted by teleconference.
The one-hour sessions will cover topics including technology management, service delivery management, product development, IT/telecommunications, risk management and safety, and general management. The sessions will be led by Frank Painter, MS, CCE, clinical engineering program director at the University of Connecticut; Ted Cohen, MS, CCE, manager, clinical engineering, UC Davis Health System; J. Tobey Clark, MSEE, CCE, FACCE, director, instrumentation and technical services, University of Vermont; and Matthew Baretich, PE, PhD, CCE, president, Baretich Engineering.
Registration fee is $450 for ACCE members or $495 for nonmembers; deadline for registration is July 31, 2013. A registration form is available on the ACCE website (PDF).