Will medical supplies soon be coming to you by drones? Fox News reported on a three-day simulation, conducted by UPS and DroneUp to test that possibility.
Tom Walker, founder and CEO of DroneUp, said the pandemic has brought the issue of drone delivery to the top of the industry’s collective mind. “The use of drones, specifically by commercial operators, in response to crisis events has been a point of discussion for some time,” he told Fox News about “Operation Last Mile” and the success of the simulation. “COVID-19 brought the topic to the forefront.”
Nearly all — 80 out of 81 packages — were successfully delivered within a 10-foot diameter circle for a success rate of 98.8 percent and no safety incidents were reported. The only aborted mission involved high winds, where the pilot and his team decided to interrupt a pre-programmed flight as a result of the weather challenge.
Read more from Fox News.
Featured image: DJI Inspire 2 drone holding the test payload. Credit DroneUp.