MARCH 2013, 24×7


Find links to the March 2013 issue here.

March-CoverOn the cover:

Jim Downing, CBET,

manager, clinical engineering department,

Wilson Medical Center,

Wilson, NC

Photography by: Connie Rhem and Melanie Raynor, courtesy of Wilson Medical Center


Click on the titles below to link to the articles


The Little Team That Can

The small group at Wilson Medical Center fosters an enormous drive, tight teamwork, and expanding skills to manage a growing inventory

By Renee Diiulio

FEATURE: The Perfect Storm for Equipment Planning and Replacement
Today’s hospitals face challenges to maintain and replace equipment on dwindling budgets and in a difficult economy, yet biomedical departments can help by creating a strategic replacement plan

By John McCarthy

SERVICE SOLUTIONS: Demystifying Medical Equipment Software Updates Versus Upgrades

By James Jernigan

UP FRONT: Transitions

By Julie Kirst, chief editor, 24×7

NETWORKING: 11ac: New Wireless Products

By Jeff Kabachinski, MS-T, BS-ETE, MCNE

CCE PREP: Committee Management V

By Arif Subhan, MS, CCE, FACCE

Ultrasound transducer testing device, uninterruptible power system, endoscopic system light meter

FOCUS ON: The Healthcare Technology Management Association of South Carolina

By Kurt Woock, associate editor, 24×7


INDUSTRY INSIDER: Bayer HealthCare Services

By Kurt Woock, associate editor, 24×7

SOAPBOX: RTLS and Asset Management: Creating Efficiencies and Rapid ROI

By Arvid Gomez