I am using an ATL HDI 3000 and I am having a problem with the resolution of the pictures when I’m doing a scan—the images have bad resolution; the ATL has 3 probes (C4-2 40R, L10-5 38mm, C9- 5iCT).

Poor image quality can be caused by a variety of system issues. Let’s start with one of the most common. Unlike many things associated with your ultrasound system, your system monitor does not automatically calibrate itself. It will age gradually, changing in brightness and contrast until the image displayed is no longer diagnostic. Additionally, variations in room light will effect the appearance of the images displayed on you monitor.

Your monitor is typically provided with either analog or digital brightness and contrast controls. Initially acquire an image and freeze it. Adjust your brightness and contrast to minimum. Increase your brightness until you can just see gray in the display background, which is to say you should be able to just visualize the black or no video border on the outside edges to the monitor screen. This sets the minimum gray your monitor is able to display. Now increase the contrast until the top of your gray scale—the whitest area—and text go white to your eye. This sets the maximum white level displayable on your monitor. Once this has been adjusted you may have to tweak the brightness a bit due to the interaction of the two controls.

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