The Infinix-i cardiovascular x-ray system from Toshiba America Medical Systems Inc, Tustin, Calif, which is designed for electrophysiology (EP) procedures, now comes with a set of new features, accessories, and technologies. This package maximizes room utilization and enhances safety. The Infinix-i’s C-arm movement provides complete patient coverage by creating 180 degrees of unobstructed head-end access around the head end of the table. The Infinix-i’s spot fluoroscopy technology enables a custom sized spot of live fluoroscopy overlaid with the Last Image Hold (LIH). A noise reduction filter technology provides fluoroscopic image quality with fewer x-rays. New tableside accessory rails expand and retract as needed. Other features of the EP package include a ceiling-mounted equipment boom and a surgical lamp installed on an extended ceiling arm.


image 2013-5 Toshiba Infinix VF-i Bi-Plane XRVL