One community college in Mesa, Ariz., has found a way to tackle the declining workforce facing the healthcare technology management in its state. Mesa Community College and Banner Health have teamed up to create a new biomedical technology program to address a shortage that is a nationwide phenomenon.

MCC was able to launch the Biomedical Equipment Technology program thanks to its proximity to a prominent Banner Health Center. “Turns out, we have one of our largest hospitals in the Banner system right across the street from Mesa Community College,” said Perry Kirwan, Vice President of Technology Management at Banner Health.

The decline in trained workers in the field, specifically those trained to operate and maintain Banner equipment, has created an opportunity for students to gain quick training and an opportunity for a career.

“All of the schools that we had in Arizona that would help train engineers and technicians, for the application of biomedical technology specifically for the hospital environment, are all gone,” said Kirwan.

The problem is much bigger than just Banner. Hospitals across the valley need trained personnel to be able to handle the equipment used on site.

Read the full story at mesalegend.