Like cell phones, ubiquitous mobile computing devices, such as the iPad, have also found their way into health care and hospitals. As the use of mobile devices in hospitals continues to expand, the potential security risk also increases. iPads enable physicians to view patient information from remote locations or at the bedside, which accelerates diagnosis and treatment. In our April 2011 issue, biomed manager Randy Berlin shared how implementing iPads in his department saved money and time.

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, or HIMSS, recently polled its members and found that 75% of responders—the majority of which came from health care—identified secure configuration and deployment as the number one iPad IT management challenge.

Has your department been involved with issues relating to iPads or other mobile devices like this? Have they caused any of the concerns cell phones did in relation to interfering with medical devices? Has your IT department raised any concerns or come up with security solutions?

And, does your department expect to provide them for your use? Let us know how this technology is affecting your hospital and your department.