The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the ways in which digital health technology underserves a large percentage of patients and how it could be improved to be more equitable, says Luma Health Co-Founder and CEO Adnan Iqbal in Forbes.
So, what can traditional healthcare providers do to reconnect with their patients and better reach those underserved populations? Well, one way is to use technology — but not just any technology. They need technology that is accessible to everyone. This means relying less on applications, portals and passwords and more on a text-first, multilingual, one-click approach to healthcare. This frictionless, text-first communication strategy enables healthcare providers to reach all their patients, not just 40% to 60% of them.
Healthcare providers can also lean into designing a digital experience that works for everyone — not just the most privileged. Doing so will go a long way toward increasing access for everyone.
Read more in Forbes.