McKesson has deployed its PACS and RIS solutions in four hospitals in Ireland as part of an exclusive partnership with the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE). The partnership is part of HSE’s National Integrated Medical Imaging System (NIMIS) initiative. When the initiative is complete, 35 hospitals will use the McKesson solution. McKesson will roll out Horizon Medical Imaging at the remaining hospitals over the next 20 months.
With McKesson’s Horizon Medical Imaging, a single solution is being deployed across the country to link all public hospitals and standardize care through a central database that will serve as a national image archive. As a result, when patients are examined at any public hospital or outpatient clinic in Ireland, their entire imaging history will be immediately available to the clinical team.
NIMIS is the world’s largest integrated medical imaging project designed to move Ireland to advanced digital technology. When NIMIS is complete, Ireland will have one of the most advanced and integrated radiology IT infrastructures in the world.