Battery Clinic Inc, Augusta, Ga, offers a complete line of battery supplies for health care and biomedical service company needs. The company stocks supplies for all types of portable x-ray equipment, including GE AMX-4, AMX-4+, AMX-II, AMX-III, and AMX-110; and brands such as Picker, Philips, Bennett, Acoma, CGR, and Raytheon. Battery supplies are also carried for equipment such as the OEC Diasonics 9800, 9600, 9400, and 9000 c-arms; and Uroview 2600, 2500, and 2000 models. The complete line of Ultralife lithium 9V batteries is also available for purchase. Offering competitive pricing and long warranties, Battery Clinic also builds custom battery packs and rebuilds drill/tool packs.
(800) 786-1511
Batteries Plus, Hartland, Wis, a single-source supplier of batteries, serves a variety of industries and provides solutions for the efficient and economical use of batteries. The company also has partnerships with leading medical facilities and health care providers. It offers volume discount opportunities for businesses and full-service recycling programs. The company’s warehouse capabilities allow it to fill any size order—from a single battery, to a case, pallet, or truckload. Batteries Plus supplies national brands and custom-built battery packs, and it provides or creates products that exceed standard quality specifications. The company sells more than 40,000 batteries and builds custom ones as well.
(800) 677-8278
Bulbtronics Inc, Farmingdale, NY, offers Ultralife lithium batteries—a UL-recognized, eco-friendly 9V battery that can last up to four times longer than ordinary alkaline 9V batteries and 10 times longer than carbon zinc batteries. The Ultralife lithium battery’s powerful energy source makes it well suited for medical applications. The company also supplies thousands of batteries from Duracell, Eveready, Rayovac, Panasonic, and more than 150 other manufacturers. Customers can shop by brand, price, and packing, and can purchase large or small quantities. To order the Ultralife lithium battery, ask for part #U9VLFP6 and order code #0051799.
(800) 654-8542, ext 372
Battery power innovation is key in the SimSlim, a multiparameter simulator from Pronk Technologies, Sun Valley, Calif, that features a 10-year battery life, requiring no charging or changing of internal batteries. The SimSlim’s patent-pending power and electronics circuitry supports 12-lead ECG, respiration, four invasive blood pressure channels, cardiac output, and YSI 400 and 700 temperature simulation. It features simple, single-button operation and 4-mm and 1.8-inch banana plug grooves for easy hookup to EKG carts in a 7- x 13.8-inch package. ; .
(800) 609-9802