
Before the final version of the 2008 National Patient Safety Goals is released, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations has asked interested parties to weigh in on a list of draft goals and requirements that will be considered for inclusion in the guide.

The goals under consideration include requiring organizations to: improve recognition and response to changes in a patient’s condition; reduce the risk of post-operative complications for patients with obstructive sleep apnea; prevent catheter misconnections; and prevent harm to patients due to health care worker fatigue.

The full text of the potential goals under review are posted on www.jointcommission.org and has been distributed for feedback to health care professionals, providers, consumers, and other stakeholders.

A panel of nurses, physicians, risk managers, pharmacists, and other professionals developed the list of potential recommendations with hands-on experience addressing patient safety issues. The Sentinel Event Advisory Group reviews the current goals and requirements every year and makes specific recommendations for any changes.

The deadline for feedback is Thursday, January 26, 2007.