Sedgwick has released its State of the Nation 2023 Product Recall Index, which detailed why defective and violative products across U.S. industries reached a record-breaking high of 1.5 billion units in 2022.

Last year, companies including Abbott, Baxter, GE HealthCare, Medtronic and Philips were the subject of Class I recalls, a category that the FDA reserves for problems with the potential to cause serious injury or death. The activity added up to a record year for Class I recalls. 

Sedgwick reported the 15-year high for Class I recalls after tallying up the data for the fourth quarter. Over the final three months of the year, the total number of recalls of any type rose 8.1% sequentially, and the number of recalled units increased by around 10 million to 61.98 million. 

Mislabeling was again the most common cause of recalls in the fourth quarter, as it has been for three of the past five quarters, followed by quality. There was a decline in the number of recalls related to software, the most common cause of recalls in the third quarter. Having been responsible for 46 events over that prior period, software accounted for 15 recalls in the final three months of the year.

Read the full article at MedTech Dive.