Earlier this week, AAMI published an announcement reminding stakeholders that the deadline for nominating candidates for its annual awards is February 15. The award winners will be honored with monetary prizes and plaques at AAMI’s annual meeting in Denver, June 5–8.
The nominations are being accepted for the following awards:
- The Laufman-Greatbatch Award, honoring an individual or group for a significant contribution to the advancement of healthcare.
- The Robert L. Morris Humanitarian Award, recognizing individuals or groups using healthcare technology to improve global human conditions.
- The Clinical Solution Award, for individuals applying innovative clinical engineering practices or principles to patient care problems.
- Patient Safety Award, recognizing healthcare professionals who have significantly advanced patient safety.
- HTM Leader of the Year Award, honoring individual excellence, achievement, and leadership in healthcare technology management.
- BMET of the Year Award, recognizing an individual’s excellence in the field.
- Young Professional Award, for a professional under 40 with exemplary accomplishments in healthcare technology.
- The Spirit of AAMI Award, recognizing outstanding volunteer contributions from an AAMI member.
- Standards Developer Award, for contributions to a specific standard.
- Technical Committee Award, recognizing outstanding work for for up to two committees.
February 15 is also the deadline for interested students to apply for AAMI’s Michael J. Miller Scholarship Program, which awards two $2,500 scholarships to students hoping to enter the healthcare technology field.