Recently, 24×7 received a request from a reader looking for help to best prepare for the upcoming CRES exam, which will take place in March of 2011. Eustace S. Ricks, a radiology equipment specialist II in the clinical engineering department at Grady Health System, Atlanta, asked:

I’m a reader of the 24×7 magazine and work within the biomedical profession. I’m presently preparing myself to take the CRES exam in March of 2011. I ordered a self-study CRES course from RSTI, which I’m presently working on. What other books or materials can you recommend to help me accomplish my goal: to pass the exam on my first attempt? I appreciate your assistance in this endeavor

With the relative lack of resources dedicated to preparing for the CRES and CLES exams, it is not a surprise to find professionals looking for assistance leading up to the test.

In the last year, 24×7 published two ICC Prep columns on test preparation: “Study Tips to Ace the Test” and “The Basics of Passing the CBET Exam.” Although both columns directly address the CBET, the studying techniques and strategies in both hold true for the CRES exam as well.

What resources and strategies have you utilized to prepare for the CRES exam? Have you enrolled in any courses or found publications similar to those in 24×7 that have assisted in your studies?

You don’t have to be a CRES to share your input. Any insight would be appreciated and will help contribute to a source of knowledge on the topic that may assist future test takers.


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