The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) announces that it has taken the next step in its ongoing assessment of the healthcare technology management (HTM) field, producing a comprehensive report on HTM employee retention.

In 2022, AAMI surveyed HTM professionals and reported back on their concerns and various employee retention issues. The survey coincided with ongoing job market turbulence and the fact that a large proportion of HTM professionals are expected to age out of the workforce in the coming decades.

Then, in 2023, AAMI staff produced an in-depth report assessing the primary concerns of the HTM workforce, with a focus on employee retention. The report is based on the free text comments from participants in the 2022 survey. It identifies what issues are top of mind for HTM staff and makes clear recommendations related to employee retention. The primary issues areas addressed in the free text survey comments include pay and benefits, communication, leadership, and advancement and training.

Employee Benefits

The survey indicated that pay and benefits are vital to HTM staff retention. Employees are not only concerned with monetary compensation, but also their ability to take advantage of other benefits like vacation days and paid time off.

“Once structure, job descriptions, and promotion paths are developed, HTM leaders should work with their HR departments to ensure equitable salaries for the defined positions,” the report reads.


Communication is vital to employee retention and wellbeing. It is important for leadership and management to set expectations, maintain consistency, and to listen and engage with employees in a transparent fashion. The report provides a list of 10 essential characteristics that employers should consider. This includes suggestions for setting expectations and goals.


Culture is key, and management staff needs to provide employees with a voice. Issues such as quality and safety concerns, what procedures work well, ideas for improvement, and ideas related to staff recognition are outlined in detail for management in the report. AAMI’s report finds that establishing an employee advisory committee is one way to effectively collect this information.

Advancement and Training

A robust training regimen is a must-have for employers interested in improving employee retention. As medical devices become more common and complex, HTM continues to evolve rapidly, and every organization needs continuous training and a succession plan, according to AAMI.

The report finds that “HTM leaders must be creative and flexible when determining the training needed and finding where opportunities exist for their team, including AAMI, OEM courses, third-party providers, formal education, online training, or on-site apprenticeship programs.”

Managers and employers looking to learn more can download the report at AAMI’s HTM resources page. Access is free for AAMI members.

In AAMI’s ongoing assessment of the HTM workforce, the association recently initiated a survey related to how HTM professionals interact with home healthcare. The survey can be found here.