Welch Allyn, Skaneateles Falls, NY, a provider of frontline medical products and solutions, announces the release of its CardioPerfect workstation software version 1.6.3.
The latest version of the company’s electronic health record (EHR)–ready software, CardioPerfect workstation software version 1.6.3 enables health care professionals to digitally store and review diagnostic test data from a variety of Welch Allyn cardiopulmonary devices. The new version maximizes workflow efficiency and simplifies EHR integration in ambulatory care settings that utilize thin-client technology. New features include the Welch Allyn PerfectLink zero-configuration virtual channel solution for PC-based ECGs and compatibility with Microsoft Windows 7 (32/64 bit).
According to the release, the availability of the new PerfectLink virtual channel solution provides fast device connectivity over an existing network with no need for configuration.