Samsung has announced the 510(k) clearance and availability of its recently introduced Samsung WS80A Elite Ultrasound, a high-resolution 5D ultrasound system, for women’s healthcare. The Samsung WS80A uses the company’s S-Vision hybrid beamformer technology and S-Vue transducers to provide good image quality, and leverages the company’s Realistic Vue and 5D ultrasound to provide volumetric imaging.
Designed to streamline exam workflows and deliver image clarity, the company says the WS80A system offers enhanced diagnostic capabilities and expanded 5D features, including a new 5D Heart application. According to Samsung, the ultrasound system’s “5D workflow” refers to semi-automated identification of specific diagnostic image planes and measurements from a volume data set. Expanding on the 5D LB (fetal long-bone) and 5D NT (nuchal translucency) features previously introduced by the company, the WS80A Elite Ultrasound performance package integrates its 5D Heart, 5D CNS (Central Nervous System), and 5D Follicle features.
The system offers an intuitive workflow and 9 standard fetal cardiac views simultaneously in a single template, helping to simplify examination of the fetal heart and improve reproducibility, according to Samsung.
More information about the Samsung WS80A Elite Ultrasound performance package for women’s healthcare and other applications may be found on the Samsung website.