Italy-based Esaote announces the launch of the MyLab X75 ultrasound system, which offers access to specific clinical solutions such as micro-vascularization assessment, liver stiffness quantification, and zero-click left ventricle function analysis.
“In the world of imaging and non-invasive diagnostics innovation is key,” says Eugenio Biglieri, chief operating officer of Esaote. “Particularly now that health organizations are under great pressure, ultrasound imaging can give a very important contribution, due to non-ionizing-radiation, agile and point-of-care approach, which ensure accessibility. In this scenario, ease of use and automation are the main drivers for the technology’s adoption.”
Specifically, MyLab X75 features connectivity and image sharing tools, which facilitate the system management in this challenging pandemic period and allow new models to be implemented.
“Voice of the customers and consolidated experience were at the core of MyLabX75’s development, and making ultrasound imaging easier was our first priority,” adds Esaote’s Giovanni Altobelli, global marketing product manager. “Light and agile, ergonomic and silent, productive and eco-friendly, the new system perfectly meets [current] clinical needs.”