Siemens Medical Solutions has expanded its Somatom Definition family of computed tomography (CT) scanners with a CT that adapts to patients with the most challenging clinical situations.
The new Somatom Definition AS, an adaptive scanner, transforms itself into a stroke unit, a noninvasive cath lab, a therapy management tool for cancer patients, or an interventional suite, according to the patient’s needs. With Adaptive 4D Spiral, the equipment addresses functional imaging (perfusion images of blood flow over time) specific to the organ being imaged.
It is available in 40-slice, 64-slice, and 128-slice configurations, each of which is tailored to a hospital’s workflow and clinical needs. The components include a large-volume coverage area with a 200-cm scan range, 78-cm gantry bore, and the ability to add a high-capacity 650-pound patient table. It occupies an 18-m2 footprint.