GenTech Scientific—a provider and servicer of refurbished scientific instruments—has acquired Conquer Scientific to offer a robust network and inventory of refurbished analytical instruments.
Conquer Scientific refurbishes, sells, and services analytical instruments and has differentiated their market position with scientific expertise in such areas as method validation, training, and troubleshooting. Conquer Scientific and GenTech Scientific will maintain their brand identities, while leveraging the resources and synergies created by combining two industry-leading competitors. Conquer founder, Fatih Büyüksönmez, PhD, will continue as an executive resource of both companies as Chief Scientific Officer.
“As a scientist, I see the combined inventory and thought leadership of the joint entities as a tremendous asset, we now have many more instruments and solutions to offer customers to support their research,” says Büyüksönmez.
Both portfolio companies, GenTech Scientific and Conquer Scientific, are held by Lakelet Capital LLC, under Purity Scientific.
“As the market continues to expand, combining these two companies adds technical capabilities and provides coast-to-coast service coverage, improving response times and validating the value propositions that customers of both companies have grown to appreciate,” says GenTech CEO Mike Lippa.
Featured image: CEO of GenTech Scientific, Mike Lippa, standing besides Yvette Pagano, CCO, in GenTech Scientific located in Arcade N.Y. Photo: GenTech Scientific