As companies attempt to grow and increase revenue, innovative marketing becomes a key factor in strategic corporate planning. With the onset of smartphones and the pressure and desire for immediacy that the Internet has created, one way in which companies are now advertising is with QR codes.

QR codes are readable matrix barcodes that, when scanned with a smartphone—through the use of an independent application, countless of which can be downloaded for free—take the viewer to a desired Internet location. This allows companies to not only track current and prospective clients, but also integrate digital aspects into physical advertisements, satisfying the need to present those interested with a bevy of information that otherwise would not have been available. For end users, QR codes make finding on-the-spot information simple, as long as a QR code is offered.

You may have seen several QR codes (like the one shown here) in the pages of 24×7. We utilize them to take readers directly to our online Buyer’s Guide, which is a comprehensive source of biomed information. (By the way, we’re currently in the process of updating our Buyer’s Guide with service/sales listings, in which it’s free to list your company by visiting here.)

There are countless ways to utilize QR codes, which are cementing themselves as the next wave of physical marketing. But there are sure to be other methods as well. As a vendor what strategies are you using to expand your brand in the market? While working in the field, have you ever utilized a QR code or found a similar resource useful?


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