When Southeast Alabama Medical Center (SAMC) in Dothan, Ala began to hear about the difficulties in finding hospital assets in a timely manner from patients and staff alike, the complaints did not fall on deaf ears.

For one thing, biomeds found the process of performing preventive maintenance cumbersome. “As the month goes on there’s less and less PMs that are due for maintenance and it gets tougher and tougher to find them,” says one SAMC biomed.

Furthermore, patients were also getting lost in the shuffle. “There were certain instances where patients were at the front door waiting for wheelchairs and they were starting to get disgruntled,” says Scott Lapham, senior network engineer at SAMC.

The hospital evaluated the concerns and implemented a wide-reaching RTLS, which tracks a variety of equipment and non-equipment assets, helping to clear up these issues—particularly helping biomeds with PM compliance. And people have started to notice, as Lapham says he hears staff praise these new efficiencies almost every day.

We’re interested in hearing other best practices for evaluating feedback and making changes. How is feedback given and received in your facility? And feed free to share any specific instances.

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