CynergisTek—a cybersecurity, privacy, compliance, and IT audit firm—signed one of the largest multi-managed service contracts of 2021 with a managed care organization that has been a client of the company since 2015.
“We are pleased to announce that our company has just expanded our relationship with a client who we have worked with for the last six years, signing the largest multiyear contract of 2021,” says Mac McMillan, CEO, and president at CynergisTek. “This agreement represents our focus on our client relationships that build a strong renewal pipeline and represents the value we give our clients as the trusted partner for their cybersecurity, privacy, and compliance needs year in and year out.”
This transaction expands on the partnership between CynergisTek and its client to provide the company’s flagship tailored multiyear Resilience Partner Program (RPP).
CynergisTek’s RPP service is designed to allow CynergisTek to work collaboratively with its clients to build a tailored set of services designed to help protect clients from cyber-related risks by building up their strategic defenses, improving operational efficiencies, and validating their programs work as expected.
Under this RPP agreement, CynergisTek will provide annual risk assessments, medical device security, vendor security management, technical testing, and security control validation services. These services help healthcare organizations prioritize risk, maintain a constant eye on vulnerabilities associated with the expanding threat landscape, and ensure they have a strong and effective approach to risk that responds every day.