With tight controls on budgets, upgrading any equipment at this time may take some strong convincing, but in our August Industry Insider section, Nelson Fathollahi, CEO of Ampronix, makes a good case for using LCD monitors.
Citing better image quality, a more vivid image, no radiation, and less downtime, he says that for a radiologist, “image quality is really the key to having a good, careful diagnosis." He says the end result—viewing images—is important to physicians and radiologist. He adds, “No matter how good the machine you have is, you still have to look through some sort of a display. If the display is not functioning properly, then you are really compromising the whole system. What’s the use of having an expensive million-dollar system when you don’t have the right product at the end to view it?”
Have you changed to LCD monitors? Any comments or tips you can share? Blog about it with us!