BSI is offering members of the medical device community access to global industry experts at three events throughout the US in September. In 1901 BSI, a company that helps companies comply with regulatory requirements of the European Union, became the world’s first National Standards Body and a founding member of the International Organization of Standardization. The complimentary event, called "Managing Today’s Regulatory and Compliance Expectations," will educate the audience about today’s European market and prepare them for expected changes in the future. The event will take place in the following cities:
• Cypress Hotel, Cupertino, Calif –Thursday, September 20, 2012
• The Marquette Hotel, Minneapolis–Tuesday, September 25, 2012
• The Fairmont Copley Plaza, Boston–Thursday, September 27, 2012
Events in each city will include opportunities for networking and time for Q&A with the experts. Additional information regarding locations, venues, and topic details are available at the event registration page, located online .