The American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE) has named industry veterans Adriana Velazquez and Ray Zambuto to the Clinical Engineering Hall of Fame Class of 2020 for their various contributions to the CE sector.
Velazquez, for starters, has been an extremely influential advocate for clinical engineering around the world, especially in underdeveloped countries. She has done this by lobbying healthcare planners and clinical professionals at every opportunity on the benefits of clinical engineering to their patients. Velazquez was also instrumental in creating Mexico’s National Center for Health Technology Excellence, which quickly became a model for other countries. Moreover, she was a clinical engineering consultant with the Pan American Health Organization and is currently a senior advisor for medical devices with the World Health Organization.
Regarding Zambuto’s qualifications, he cofounded one of the nation’s first shared clinical engineering services, which helped to grow and expand the field of clinical engineering. He was also a prime driver of many of the clinical engineering initiatives in clinical systems engineering and the integration of medical and information systems, directly influencing the careers of many. Finally, Zambuto foresaw the vital importance of establishing strong relationships between CE and IT leaders in their respective professional organizations and became the driving force behind ACCE becoming a co-sponsor of and a key player in IHE’s Patient Care Device Domain.