AAMI has released a new video promoting careers in healthcare technology management (HTM). The video features Karen Waninger and Barrett Franklin of AAMI’s Technology Management Council. The two discuss some of the opportunities provided by a career in the field.
“The HTM field offers great opportunities for clinical engineers, biomedical equipment technicians (BMETs), lab and radiology specialists, and others who use their expertise to ensure that medical devices are safe and effective and available for clinical use,” Franklin states in the video. He also highlights estimates from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics that the BMET field will grow by 30% by 2022.
“The best part in this career,” Waninger adds, is that “there are limitless opportunities for advancement. With additional experience, education, or training, you can move into a technical specialist role, or a managerial, supervisory, or senior leadership position.”
Shot at the Community Heart and Vascular Hospital in Indianapolis, the video was first aired at the AAMI 2014 conference in June.