Pacific Medical, a company based in San Juan Capistrano, Calif, that specializes in new and refurbished patient monitoring equipment, has launched a series of instructional videos aimed at helping biomedical technicians address common repair challenges. The first video, focusing on how to assign a Philips M4841A telemetry device, is available for free viewing on a new section of the company’s website called PAC FAQ.
“Too often biomedical technicians are overlooked in the medical industry. They are expected to maintain or repair expensive patient monitoring equipment, but are sometimes ill-equipped to solve every issue that comes their way. That’s where PAC FAQ comes in,” said Eric Hatteberg, director of sales at Pacific Medical.
According to the company, the videos are based on requests from its customer base, largely comprised of biomedical technicians. Additional videos will be posted in the coming weeks.
For more information, visit Pacific Medical.