Because mechanical ventilation is critical in the care of COVID-19 patients, Telford, Pa.-based Dräger has leveraged its Intensive Care On-line Network (ICON) emergency program to supply 20 mechanical ventilators to metro New York City and other hard hit area hospitals during the city’s COVID-19 peak crisis. And the company continues to deliver ventilators to emerging pandemic hot spots in support of healthcare providers and their patients.
The ICON Critical Care Resource Center offers all Dräger ventilation customers access to online continuing education and a real-time support system staffed 24/7 by clinicians. This enables Dräger to provide a high level of clinical education and support.
“Through the ICON program we have a mechanical ventilation resource immediately available to distressed facilities at the forefront of the COVID-19 crisis,” says Lothar Thielen, Dräger’s president and CEO for North America. “We were there to help hospitals located in the initial pandemic hot spots, are currently working with hospitals in areas where infections are surging, and, at the same time, are preparing resources to address potential future outbreaks in the months ahead.”
ICON is staffed with a multidisciplinary group including intensive care physicians, pulmonologists, critical care nurses, nurse practitioners, respiratory care practitioners and information technology specialists. ICON staff members have advanced training for Draeger respiratory, neonatal and anesthesia products.