Make HTM Great Again—the S.C.-based not-for-profit launched on September 7—will have a conference call with an American Society for Healthcare Engineering task force regarding the formation of a national HTM association on Wednesday, October 4. More details later as that unfolds, says Make HTM Great Again Founder Patrick Lynch.
“In the meantime, I would like to convene a task force of our own to start developing mission statements and goals for a national organization,” Lynch says. “Volunteers for this should contact me at [email protected] as soon as possible so that we can begin working on various organizational aspects.”
All HTM associations and biomeds are encouraged to visit and review the bylaws, read about membership benefits, and join. Lynch urges interested parties to also sign up as free members if they’re unable to donate or join as paid members.
Stay tuned for more updates as they occur, Lynch adds.
To what precise point of greatness in HTM’s short history do we want to return? The name for this initiative should be seriously reconsidered.