Lung simulators from Hans Rudolph are designed for use in testing respiratory equipment. They can also be used in training and education programs.
The DLco Simulator & EasyLab QC Software offers a method to check the performance of Single-Breath DLco measurement equipment. Primary Plus precision gases are supplied to use with the simulator for testing the different DLco equipment manufacturers.
Another testing tool is a computerized servo motor driven piston pump used for testing respiratory flow based devices. The flow/volume simulator or pulmonary waveform generator produces standard ATS flow and volume waveforms, EN 13826 peak flow meter waveforms, and steady state flows, as well as custom waveforms.
A third testing product is based on a computerized mathematical lung model. The HR Breathing Simulator models a spontaneously breathing patient. Adjustable parameters include airway resistance, lung compliance, breath rate, and patient effort. The device includes a large LCD display with real-time graphics and data-acquisition capability.
For more information on these products, visit the company’s website.