Kimberly Clark Corp has signed on as a supporter of two of Practice Greenhealth’s major initiatives, Greening the Operating Room and Greening the Supply Chain.
To help hospitals run more efficient, environmentally-friendly operating rooms, Practice Greenhealth introduced the Greening the Operating Room™ Initiative, which helps hospitals reduce environmental impact, reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve worker and patient safety.
Practice Greenhealth’s Greening the Supply Chain™ Initiative, which was launched in 2001, provides a common set of tools for purchasers, suppliers, and manufacturers to ensure that environmentally preferable products (EPP) are widely available to health care organizations and suppliers across the country. The initiative strives to have products available that are cost competitive, of comparable quality and generate a sector-wide market shift in the direction of sound EPP practices.
Kimberly Clark joins a large number of participating hospitals, health care companies, for-profit companies, and group purchasing organizations that are working to implement large scale green efforts to reduce waste, trim water and energy use, and create markets for EPP products.