As the line between medical devices and computers grows increasingly blurry, IT professionals must become increasingly familiar with life-critical medical devices in addition to IT systems. To this end, ECRI Institute has released a new reference book aimed at helping health care IT professionals understand IT-intensive medical equipment.
The book, Medical Technology for the IT Professional: An Essential Guide for Working in Today’s Healthcare Setting, examines medical technologies that contain a strong IT component, featuring information on device-related security and patient safety.
With over $19 billion appropriated for health care IT in the recent stimulus bill, jobs in health IT are expected to grow significantly over the next several years. ECRI’s new guide will provide those interested in changing careers from other IT professions to health care IT with an extra edge.
Specific technologies covered include physiologic monitors, clinical laboratory analyzers, imaging systems, fusion pumps, and RFID.
For more information about the book, contact the ECRI Institute at (610) 825-6000 ext 5891or [email protected].