The Grande Ronde Hospital, La Grande, Ore, has received the 6th annual Health Devices Achievement Award, which recognizes initiatives undertaken by an ECRI Institute member health care institution that improves patient safety, reduces costs, or otherwise facilitates better strategic management of health technology. Grande Ronde Hospital won the award for its establishment of a telemedicine network that allows its patients in rural northeast Oregon and Washington to access specialty physicians from across four states.
Grande Ronde Hospital now offers 16 outpatient, consulting, and educational services through its telemedicine program, which is used for sharing electronic health records with consultants that review patient lab results, radiology images, and medications.
The hospital continues to expand its telemedicine offerings to include a new TeleOncology program and TeleDermatology service, saving patients money and hours of travel time, making it easier to seek early treatment for better outcomes.
ECRI Institute vice president James Keller will make a formal award presentation on October 14, 2011 at Grande Ronde Hospital.