In late May, healthcare IT veteran Randy Knotts joined 24×7 Magazine as president/publisher. Below, the 24×7 Magazine team sits down with Knotts to learn why he was the perfect person to fill this very important role and what he can uniquely offer advertisers. (Plus, Knotts shares his surprising connections to one rockstar—and one former president.)
24×7 Magazine: Can you please tell 24×7 Magazine readers a little bit about yourself and your healthcare industry experience?
Randy Knotts: I’ve been in the media publishing world for 30 years. I started out in advertising sales for trade publications, such as Medical Electronics, The Electronics Engineers Master and Health Data Management, and served as healthcare channel director for B2BWork, a digital media network startup.
I previously held the roles of sales director of HIMSS Media Group’s publications, Healthcare IT News, MobiHealthNews and Healthcare Finance News, as well as director of the American Hospital Association’s trade publications’ digital media group, the Health Forum Network. I was later tasked with developing the HospitalConnect network business model, with responsibility for developing and implementing a system-wide digital media and e-commerce strategy.
Most recently, I worked with Modern Healthcare Metrics, a custom database that helps healthcare senior executives make informed decisions on quality, financial, and operational improvements. I also helped develop the business model for Converge2Xcelerate, a blockchain and telehealth conference.
24×7: What do you believe are the biggest strengths that you’ll bring to the publisher role?
Knotts: My perspective on new product development and how to drive user response with an emphasis on delivering marketing return on investment. I listen, evaluate the situation, and then discuss strategies and tactics to help my clients achieve their goals.
24×7: Why are you excited to serve the HTM field?
Knotts: The Internet of Things is providing the perfect platform for HTM professionals, and is fast-becoming the catalyst of HTM’s new direction. With a [need for constant] connectivity, equipment will be maintained and dispersed with a total focus on operational quality and distribution. It will also refine was used to be a complex and imperfect system.
Today’s tech innovations—along with the impending need for new HTM professionals to enter the market and replace leaders who are retiring—are going to change the landscape of HTM leaders. After all, this new generation will be driving HTM with the technologies they grew up with, such as VR and AI. This new landscape will be exciting and will greatly revolutionize HTM’s function. Likewise, the need for recruiting and educating this new market will be mandatory in order to continue facilitating high quality and standards in the HTM field.
24×7: What are some things people would be surprised to know about you?
Knotts: Here are some interesting facts:
- I once played pool with Axel Rose in San Diego. I also met Clint Eastwood and James Woods on the putting green at Pebble Beach. (I had to name drop to butt in!)
- I got to meet Ronald Reagan. I was a volunteer driver for James Baker and Michael Deaver in the early ’80s when I served as a driver for the Republican National Committee Convention in Kansas City.
24×7: When you’re not hard at work, how do you unwind?
Knotts: I play golf and smoke meats over a very long period of time.
24×7: If you could have dinner with five people—dead or alive—who would you choose?
Knotts: Nostradamus, Ronald Reagan, JFK, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs.
24×7: How can advertisers get in touch with you?
Knotts: I’m accessible anytime, by email or phone. My email address is [email protected] and my phone number is 312-933-4700.
24×7: Thanks, Randy! We’re excited to have you on the team.
Welcome, Randy. You’ve got a great background for the position. I look forward to working with you. – Matt