The sixth installment in a series of webinars on dealing with clinical alarm hazards will focus on the current state of and current challenges for ventilator alarm management. The online event is scheduled for March 25 at 1:00 pm Eastern time.
The goals of the 1-hour session are as follows:
- To identify the problems associated with ventilator alarm safety
- To discuss the industry perspective, including standards and alarm hierarchy
- To evaluate a current quality improvement process for ventilator alarm safety
- To identify limitations with and barriers to responding appropriately to ventilator alarms
- To consider recommendations on managing alarms at the bedside.
The speakers scheduled for the webinar are Thomas Krueger, Dräger; Matthew Trojanowski, RRT, The Johns Hopkins Hospital; and Russelle Cazares, RRT, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The discussion will be moderated by Shawna Strickland, PhD, American Association for Respiratory Care.
For more information on the event or to register, visit the AAMI website.